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Our Fishes

Quarantine means keeping a fish (either a sick one or a "newly acquired" one which needs to be closely observed for some time) in a secluded area (tank) to be sure that they are NOT carrying any (possible!) pathogens. In its everyday meaning the term "quarantine" means keeping an animal (but under given circumstances also a human being) in isolation to prevent spreading of possible diseases. 

Healthy Fishes

We quarantine our fish before selling it to our customers

Personal Tip

Force yourself to observe - on a daily basis – your new fishes to get used to their temper, living/feeding habits and the alike which will render you able - just in case (knock on wood!) - to spot any signs and symptoms of illness on the spot and take action immediately. Keep in mind that a fish, even in a quarantine tank will always act according to his/her own genomes: an aggressive/territorial cichlid will act accordingly so be very  conservative when stocking your quarantine tank.

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