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Nandopsis Tetracanthus (For Sale)


Updated: May 10, 2019

As the name suggests, the Cuban cichlid is native to Cuba. It inhabits rivers and lakes and can often be found close to dense vegetation. It is still fairly unusual in the trade but is becoming more and more common. It is considered a beautiful cichlid and it grows quite big. It has a whitish base with gray/black spots and stripes.

Breeding Cuban Cichlids

Cuban cichlids are relatively easy to breed once a pair has been established. The best way to get a pair is to let a group of young fish grow up together and form pairs. Once pairs have formed you remove the excess fish from the tank. The eggs are laid on a flat surface and the fry can be feed newly hatched brine shrimp. The parents will protect their fry until they start getting ready to spawn again.  Cuban cichlid fry grows quickly.

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24 dic 2021
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